Big 10lb. Snakehead – Great Top Water action Video

Not far from where the new world record was set 2 weeks ago by a fishing friend of mine some big snakeheads are cruising.  I was able to hit the water in my Kayak last Tuesday after doing housecalls in Fredericksburg, VA.  (I am a chiropractic nutritionist).    I was able to get my Wilderness Ride 135 sit-on-top kayak in the river.  I had both Ion Air Pro 2 and 3 cameras rolling and the action started quickly!

I cruised the entire pad bed and headed up river to my usual “hot spot” but unfortunately the rest of the day was slow and then the storm clouds returned.   But all-in-all I had a great 4 hours on the water.

I now pour my own scented frogs and that is what I caught this guy on.  A 4″ flipper foot, red/black with sparkles and crawfish scent.   Let me tell you he was not letting go.  That frog must have tasted real good!  He put up on hell of a fight.

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