Now the the heat wave is gone for a while kayaking is the best way to get into the weeds and the back creeks that boats just can’t get to. Taking some snakeheads this month 4-6 fish for day which is better than it was during the heat wave! Darker color frogs are working better than white. Greens and also working but I have had more on my Red Devil Flipper Frog that I pour (see the “For Sale”) page link for details. I show them in some of my videos too.
Early morning to noon and 5 to dark seem to be the hottest times on the water for me. The mid day heat slows things down. The bass are biting too, nice 3-5 pounders before 10 am and 6-8pm. Chatterbaits and frogs are working for them nicely.
For me this year’s snakehead fishing has been slow but many of my fellow anglers have had really good snakehead catches, 13 and 16 lb fish. Huge! When I have of their photos I will post them for you all. Most days I manage to catch 3 or 4 average fish 20″ to 28″ weighing between 2 and 8 lbs. The video below has some nice footage of a 2 and 4 pounder, explosive bites. The bass have been biting in the early mornings and just before dark when it cools down. I have not been out in the “big” river so I can’t say what they are doing there. I just love the snakehead fishing action and am addicted! They fight lke a fish twice as big as they are (like bluefish in the surf) so I almost always go for them.
Enjoy the latest videos and post yoru comments here and on my Youtube channel page (click the link here to go to my Youtube channel) While checking out my videos on Youtube make sure to give them all a complete watch and then a “thumbs up”. Subscribe if you can as Youtube rates the channels by the number of likes and subscribers. I am trying to get a simple channel name but need more “likes” and subscribers. Thanks in advance!
Keep the line wet!
Dr Demetrios Kydonieus, Chiropractor and outdoor enthusiast!
Well it’s been slow for me at least. I’ve put in on Potomac Creek, Aquia Creek and the fish bites are far and few between. Kayaking, Bass Boatin’ and not much to show for it. Water temps have been around 64 degrees F and the river is muddy brown and fast. I see fish on the sonar but not many takers, a few bass here and there granted some nice ones, 2-5 lbs. but not many. Even the snakeheads are not hitting that much a few nice ones before all this rain but the last two trips nothing. I saw two bug out as I cruised past their “sun bathing” spots last Thursday on Accokeet Creek(off Potomac Creek) but not biters that day. Fouled hooked this shad one day while I was kayaking fishing way up Potomac Creek but not other bites that day.
What are you guys doing to land some fish? Any fish any where leave your rainy weather tips.
See you on the water,
Dr. Snakehead (Dr. D for my chiropractic patients)
If you are into natural health and chiropractic check out my office website, I and a Nutritionist and Chiropractor for over 30 years now and still love seeing people get well who failed at other doctor’s offices.
8 lbs. 3 oz. male snakehead caught on an orange/chartruese chatterbait 04/22/2016 Accokeet Creek, Virginia
Had a good day on the water yesterday over on Potomac and Accokeet Creeks. Cloudy the first half of the day then the sun came out (and I forgot my sunscreen)! I got there a little past high tide at 9AM and fished the channels, and into the early lilly pads somewhat. I did best in the channels using a chatterbox, red-black with craw trailer and orange-chartruese with a brown craw trailer. (I did not have my ruler so I used my tackle box for size in photos it is 10″ long so you can guess the length as they lay next to it. ) All my bites, bass and snakeheads were deeper in the main channles of the side creeks about 6′-15′ deep. Not many bites but the few I had produced well!
4 lb. female snakehead about 22″
I had seen fish jumping and rolling all morning, mostly carp and cats, a few large shad but a few looked to me like snakeheads. Sure enough they were awake finally after a “long” winter! I had a nice 2.5 lb. largemouth first thing that morning in the lillies, a male just cruising but could not finf any more for the rest of the day. My first snakehead bite was an hour later, around 11:30 AM and my biggest fish, a nice 8.2 lbs. He bit my orange/chartruese chatterbox taking it right from the middle of the channel close to my boat not in the lillies! I missed one 30 min. later then got another nice 4.2 lbs. again from the middle of the channel. Then things slowed for an hour or so as slowly drifted back up Accokeet creek to the Crow’s Nest state park kayak/canoe ramp. I did not see much in the way of bass or snakeheads in that part of the creek accept for carp and a few larger shad. No gar fish there yet either. So I worked my way back to the middle and widest part of Accokeet where I had caught my first two snakeheads and sure enough got another nice 5 pounder
A nice 5 lb + on a red/black chatterbait
and scared a whopper! He jumped clear out of the water as my bass boat came up the edge of the lillies, had to be a good 12 lbs! (okay maybe 10lbs. I am a fisherman after all) It was huge! No luck finding where he swam off to so I now at early afternoon and sunny I worked the inside the lillies and nothing. Then I went back out to the channel and slowly worked it back to the main creek mouth and hooked another nice fish, takin’ drag but spit the hoot before I could get it up to the surface. From the way it faught it most likely was a big snakehead.
A keeper that 8 pounder headed for the filleting board
I kept the large one, a male and put the others back large females so we’d all have nice fish to catch another day. Now I know many of you want to kill or keep every one you catch but I definately noticed a big decline last year compared to the years before so we must be limiting their expansion just fine. Practice good stewardship and lets make sure there are fish tomorrow for all of us.
So they are warmed up and active- let the games begin!
The air temp was up, 77 even with the clouds, the water seemed about 48ish (no thermometer) and it was windy on the water in my kayak. I only had time to get there on the outgoing tide so I hit it at almost dead low- not the best time on a tidal river! The water was coffee brown and the carp were moving up the creek and jumping but no bass or snakeheads. I fished the deeper channels, the drop-offs and way up the creek in the “small waters” and did not get or see any predatory fish unfortunately. Some small bait fish in the upper creek in 10″ of water but no big fish. I was using soft plastics, spinner baits, swim jigs, crawfish deep water jigging but nothing! I even pulled out the top water toad in the shallow water but nada… I was using mostly white and chartruesse colors but tried some darker purples and black/blue and nothing.
Oh well it was a nice day in my kayak and got some good exercise. Now I have to wait a bit due to my busy chiropractic officed schedule and family committments (like we all do). But I think it will definately turn in by the beginning of April.
Bass Fishing Time Since Snakeheads Seem to Hibernate
Well no snakehheads this time of year for sure but the bass fishing has been good on jigs and creature baits for me. Crankbaits and swim baits have been slow but then I have not fished as much as some of you this winter I am sure. Especially with all the warm weather I am sure many of you are killin’ it.
Catfishing is On!
North Carolina Blue Catfish State Record 12/20/15
I have a few catfish friends that have done great this winter hitting the James or Potomac Rivers in central Virginia. Jamie caught a 60lb channle catfish on the Potomac River at Leesylvania by the power plant bridge just before Christmas on that 72 degree sunny Saturday- way to go! (I will get that photo and post it here next week). What about that new North Carolina state record that went around Facebook, a channel cat weighing in at 105lbs. and the 94lb blue catfish another state record!
So drop a helpful winter tips bass fishing comment below and I will do my best to get it up here soon!
Nothing fights better in freshwater than a Snakehead!