Snakeheads in the Lillies

Snakehads Deep in the  Back End of Potomac Creek

For me this year’s snakehead fishing has been slow but many of my fellow anglers have had really good snakehead catches, 13 and 16 lb fish.  Huge!  When I have of their photos I will post them for you all.  Most days I manage to catch 3 or 4 average fish 20″ to 28″ weighing between 2 and 8 lbs.  The video below has some nice footage of a 2 and 4 pounder,  explosive bites.   The  bass have been biting in the early mornings and just before dark when it cools down.  I have not been out in the “big” river so I can’t say what they are doing there.  I just love the snakehead fishing action and am addicted!  They fight lke a fish twice as big as they are (like bluefish in the surf) so I almost always go for them.

Enjoy the latest videos and post yoru comments here and on my Youtube channel page (click the link here to go to my Youtube channel)  While checking out my videos on Youtube make sure to give them all a complete watch and then a “thumbs up”.  Subscribe if you can as Youtube rates the channels by the number of likes and  subscribers.  I am trying to get a simple channel name but need more “likes” and subscribers.  Thanks in advance!

Keep the line wet!


Dr Demetrios Kydonieus, Chiropractor and outdoor enthusiast!


2 thoughts on “Snakeheads in the Lillies”

  1. Hello good sir!

    I am planning to come down to the Potomac to try my luck for some snakehead this weekend and was wondering if you could give me some pointers. I’ll br driving down from OH and would like to know if it’s worth it. What are my chances of getting one? I have a youtube channel as well and wouldn’t mind if you wanted to tag along. Let me know!

    1. I tried to reply to you sooner not sure if it got to you in time. Snakehead fishing down here starts to slow down and dry up as of September and by October it is done. The occasional fish gets caught but not many. I believe as the water cools they turn off and go into a ‘hibernation” like cycle until the Spring but not sure. I have never caught one after September 20th so far. Hope you had some luck when you came down over the Labor Day Weekend.

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