Ah the Snakeheads are Still There!
Well another day on Potomac Creek and I found a few fish. The days are hot now and the fish are active. Still casting to the banks by any vegitation, lillies and grass seem the best. The weed flats are slow as the fish seem to be underneath and aren’t coming up to grab the top water stuff (the only thing you can fish in the thick weed flats, drop shotting hasn’t worked for me).
This average 5 pounder was right at the bank mid day and very hot 92 degrees. He was sitting inbetween the thick weed matts that the low tide was exposing when he slammed my white “Floatin’ Toad” straightened the hook a bit too!
The nicest one of the day was this 8 pound female that also killed my “Floatin’ Toad’, green/silver pattern in the morning. She also almost go off by straightening the hook!
Here was real nice largemouth right at dusk in the main channel of the creek, about 5 lbs. It was real wild hard to hold and snap a photo with my phone so this was all I could get. Wiggled right out of my grip when I was holding it up for a nice classic pic and went back into the river! So you just get my foot(size 12) and the fish, so you can get an idea of the fishes size! LOL!
Well see ya’ll next time on the water. Share your bass and snakehead fishing stories, tactics and locations(if you don’t mind that is..) We’d love to learn from you too.
Dr. D (Dr. Snakehead) signing off till next time!
Check out my radio show on nutrition and chiropractic, www.DrDSays.net