Spring Snakeheads are Back!

Of course the camera was on the blink and my cell phone died so no stills when I caught my first snakehead and some small largemouth bass on my first Spring fishing trip to the Potomac River two weeks ago. I wore out the screw on mount on my Ion AirPro 3 it kept falling off the camera pole that I have installed on my kayak. When I got home that night I filled it with gorilla glue and it seems to work now and not fall off the camera pole on my kayak, LOL! Always have your outdoor cameras secured with an snapable safty line as even the best mount will come loose. I know dropped my new Ion Airpro 3 in the river two years ago! Expensive lesson. But now I am ready so the next time I blog here I should be able to have some good footage for you. It will be posted here and on my Youtube channel soon! I’ve been very busy with work and have limited time on the water but am clearing my schedule for the warm weather Potomac River season so you will be hearing a lot from me.
So in summary the water is still cool, the weed beds are growing but still not that big so the snakeheads are roaming more this time of year. I had to cover a bit of water in my kayak to find a few nice ones. The bass were holding on the drop offs too early for bedding in early April but by now that should be changing. You bass specialists can keep me updated on that. I found some nice snakeheads hunting the “soon to be weed beds” which that day were still just barren mud flats. I caught my snakeheads on this trip about 30 feet off the shoreline in two feet of water at a very high tide. They were just randomly cruising (at least randomly to me since I am sure the fish had a plan, lol). Snakeheads do not school so to speak although at times in the hot summers they seem to be a lot in certain areas. They are solitary fish for the most part.
If someone has information on some scientific research that is contrary to this please let me know. I am not a fish biologist just and observant fisherman.
Make sure to visit and subscribe to my Youtube Channel if you want to see all my Snakehead trips this year. New films weekly starting in May.
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